As you've likely noticed, we at Felix & Jayne have been out of the blogging game for a little while. We've had a lot going on and wanted to give you an update - a window into our personal lives. So if you'd like to celebrate with us, here's an invitation. A neon opportunity!
On a chilly afternoon in early 2012, in our Chicago apartment, my baby-making-partner and I learned we would be adding to our family this year. We're expecting a baby, our first, in early October! And, wait for it...
We are having a little lady. A baby Jayne. Lou, our puppy, is gonna be a big sister! As you might expect, we're thrilled. And, the updates keep on-a-comin,' F&J fans: since we learned the baby news in January, we decided to return to our roots in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We'll miss you, Chicago! Here we come, Sooners!