Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Put Your Hat On

I've been slaving over a hot sewing machine for the last several days, my blog and twitter have suffered needless to say.  I made six, yep six, new bag patterns and they are so rad.  I am going to take pictures of the completed bags tomorrow.  Here's a few pics from the the bag-making process.

All my scraps that will soon be cuffs, barrettes, and/or headbands! 


  1. Using a template was a smart idea! Your pictures really make me want to sew right now!


  2. Great pictures! Can't wait to see them!

  3. Goodness... you've been very busy. Can't wait to see the finished product pictures.

  4. WOw.. these pics are great. It's really cool of you to recycle the scraps, I would have throw them all into the bin. Lol.


  5. Cool!! I need to spend some serious time on my sewing machine finishing up some projects. Six new patterns? That's great!!

  6. I love seeing the way that things are made. You sure have a great collection of yarn bits and fabric scraps! Here's a question - I have a hard time throwing bits and pieces away, but I don't have a use for them - is that something you would like?

  7. "Put your hat on" - what is that, like, a blue collar comedy punchline?
